· As for Protection it's a modernised T72M1 which is export version of T72A With the additional 16mm plate and without DYNA ERA the upper glaces is rated 450mm KE protection With its standard DYNA ERA load out, the upper glaces is rated 585mm KE protection and easily around mm CE Edited February 27 by LaurelixTheMarraMan Chief Warrant Officer Messages 515 Inscription Mar 3 Déc 13 0711 Localisation IN USA T72M1/M2 Moderna Message par TheMarraMan » Jeu 16 Jan 14 0416 My question is why hasnt this idea of throwing on two mm cannons or one 30mm cannon on an MBT not gone more mainstream???35A044 "Ferdinand" Jagdpanzer sdkfz 184 NO;

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T-72m1 moderna
T-72m1 moderna- · ZTS Tess Martin had been licensed to produce T72M1 tanks for export since the Czechoslovak era, and when the country was divided into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993, ZTS Tess Martin began developing the T72M2 Moderna It's equipped with domestically produced ERA (explosive reaction armor) to improve defense, and the FCS (fire control system) is alsoThe Slovakian T72M1 Moderna turret incorporating the Sabca Vega thermal sight and the Sfim VS580 commanders sight as well as two mm Oerlikon Contraves KAA001 cannon In January 10, Russia signed a €13bn military cooperation deal with Libya to upgrade 0 T72 tanks of the Libyan Army The Indian Army also intends to upgrade its T72 tank fleet T72/ T90 set of fuel

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35A044 "Ferdinand" Jagdpanzer sdkfz 184 NO;Slovakian T72M1 Moderna Number CA012 Scale 172 Type Detail set Released 15 Initial release new tool Topic T72 » Tanks (Vehicles) Box contents Resin (cast) Designed for Generic aftermarket set Marketplace None of our partner shops or mates has this currently for sale Inbox reviews External reviews Advertisement Inbox review Modellversium Stash Wishlist (3 · Moderna geneze vývoje slovenských prototypů tanků T72M2E V roce 1994 po rozpadu Československa přivezla martinská zbrojovka na brněnský veletrh IDET, svoji druhou modernizaci sovětského středního tanku T72, pod označením T72 M2E "Moderna" Byl vyzbrojen přímo modelářsky zajímavou kombinací v otočné věži měl 125
T72M1 Moderna ( with two mm Oerlikon autocannons for more Dakka Dakka ) Close 136 Posted by 4 years ago Archived T72M1 Moderna ( with two mm Oerlikon autocannons for more Dakka Dakka ) · Since the Czechoslovak era, the T72M1 tank for export has been licensed and produced, and when it was spun off into Czech and Slovakia in 1993, Slovakia was a modernized refurbishment of its own T72 tank and was T at ZTS Tess Martin We are developing a 72M2 modeler The T72M2 Moderna is equipped with domestic ERA (reactive armor) to improve35A047 "Ferdinand" Jagdpanzer sdkfz184 Battle of Kursk 1943 ;
The T72 is the most modern T72 in Russian Army service as of 13 About The T72 Main Battle Tank Designed during the height of the Cold War, the T72 is a Russian Main Battle Tank intended to be deployed amongst certain elements of the Russian Army as a cheaper alternative to the T64 and later the T80 Main Battle TanksT72M1 MBT Standard production vehicle, same as Russianbuilt T72M1 MBT T72M1 Moderna MBT Developed to the prototype stage and fitted with locally developed Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA), two Oerlikon Contraves mm KAA001 cannon mounted externally one either side of the turret and a new computerised firecontrol systemMedia in category "T72M1" The following 44 files are in this category, out of 44 total Akce Cihelna 14 H09 Tankjpg Akce Cihelna 14 H10 T72 M1jpg BAHNA 18 346jpg BAHNA 18 347jpg BAHNA 18 348jpg BAHNA 18 349jpg BAHNA 18 350jpg BAHNA 18 351jpg BAHNA 18 352jpg BAHNA 18 353jpg Duma after the recapture by the Syrian

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T 72m2 Moderna Wargame Wiki Fandom
· T72 M2 MODERNA Pretože sa predpokladalo, že pôvodné tanky radu T72 (M, T72M1 ) budú aj v budúcnosti používať armády stredoeurópskych štátov, a to hlavne na obranné účely, vyžadovali a stále si vyžadujú komplexnú modernizáciu Prvé kroky smerom k modernizácii T72 podnikla ešte federálna armáda v bývalom ČSFR Posudzovalo sa niekoľko modernizačnýchKattiValk General Messages 63 Inscription Mar 19 Nov 13 0139 Localisation Houston, Texas (CST) · The T72M2 Moderna is a Slovakian upgrade of the Soviet T72 main battle tank The T72M was licenseproduced in the former Czechoslovakia First prototype of the T72M2 Moderna was revealed in 1993 Development of this tank is completed Indigenous tank design, based on the Russian T72M1, with new night vision and thermal devices, improved armour (up to 650 mm)

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T72M1 variant upgraded to T72B standard T72M2/Moderna Slovakian T72M upgrade with new engine and fire control, SFIM thermal sight, laser warning receiver, ERA, and 2 x mm AA guns on turret T72M4CZ Czech variant with TURMS FCS with thermal sight, new engine, increased protection ERA, and 48t weightThe T72M2 Moderna is a Slovakian upgrade of the Soviet T72 main battle tank The T72M was licenseproduced in the former Czechoslovakia It entered service with Czechoslovakian army in 1981 In the early 1990s after the dissolution of the Czechoslovakia, various upgrade programs were developed both in Czech Republic and Slovakia to keep their fleets of T72 MBTs operational and · The modernization project, called the T72М2 Moderna (sometimes the designation T72М1 is found), was created taking into account the maximum use of the available possibilities and, as a result, the minimal change in the design of the combat vehicle View of the T72М2 "Modern" tank in front, showing the elements of dynamic protection on the turret, as well as the

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35A047 "Ferdinand" Jagdpanzer sdkfz184 Battle of Kursk 1943;Czech T72M1 Echelon Fine Details 135 D Figures T72 Tank Crew Evolution Miniatures 135 EM 16 New tool Masks Airbrush CAMOMask T90MS Scheme 1 J's Work 135 PPA5190 New tool Airbrush CAMOMask T90MS Scheme 2 J's Work 135 PPA5191 New tool Airbrush CAMOMask T90MS Scheme 3 J's Work 135 PPA5192 New tool Rad · T72M1 Moderna T72M2 Moderna Like 3 UkroTurk BANNED May 7, 15 3,6101 3,253 Country Location Sep 13, 16 #363 TYPE 87 Japaneese SCOUD with 25mm gun Very similar to VBC90 This is not APC, this is IFV I like it Like 1 T T55 SENIOR MEMBER Jun 11, 15 2,084 2 4,734 Country Location Sep 23, 16 #364 Test for water resistance of French armored

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· The T72M1 is a local pattern used by Czechoslovakia and Poland as well Many characteristics are shared with the T72B, but does lack in some places, specifically in engine HP and in HEAT protection For the most part though it shares a very close performance to the Russian made T72B, and near identical to the Russian T72AFrom Scotland Cromwell Models have a range of 1/72 nd resin vehicle kits, accessories and figures along with their 1/76 and 1/35 range Designed with both the wargamer and static modeller in mind, there are very few parts to these kits · The T72M1 is always equipped with type 902A smoke grenade launchers and rubber side skirts, but is never fitted with antiradiation lining or the 3rd stowage box (except for a small number of Czechmade vehicles that were delivered to the Soviet army and were later slightly upgraded) Subvariants are the Ob yekt 172ME5 and E6 The T72M1 was build under licence

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· T72M2 Moderna posted in Game Suggestions So, I have noticed that we lack some tanks from the Slovakian part of Czechoslovakia, even the nations hero tank is named after a Czech historical figure (Žižka) Sure, Slovakia didnt have many tanks, if any because all were during the existence of Czechoslovakia But since CW is here, I renembered one Slovakian tank which was35A048 IDF SHOT KAL "Alef" (Valley of tears 1973) · T72M2 Moderna tanks with 125mm main gun and 30mm antiaircraft gun mounted on right side T72M1 Moderna with two mm antiaircraft guns T72M1A tanks Upgraded T72M1 tanks with explosive reactive armor T72M1 tanks (30) BVP2 infantry fighting vehicle (91) BVP1 infantry fighting vehicle (162) BPsV "Svatava" armored vehicles Reconnaissance version

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T 72 Operators And Variants Military Wiki Fandom
· Slovakian T72M1 Moderna turret The Polish ministry of defence will spend PLN1386m ($42m) for the upgrade of T72M1 and PT91 Twardy Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) Syrian T72M1 main battle tank upgraded with slat armour for urban warfare An upgraded T72 by ATE South Africa features two conspicuous sightsソビエト連邦さんからいただいたT72を改修して、わたくしT72M1モデルナが独自に開発されたんですよ。 スロバキアの方々には感謝しきれないです。 厚みのある立派な爆発反応装甲のダイナだってつけていただいて。 武装だって凄いんですよ、125ミリ滑腔砲にミリ対空機関砲が2門 · T72M1 – A confusing variant of the T72M It's unknown how either tank differs from each other T72M2 Moderna – A recent Slovakian T72 upgrade with a 30mm cannon for a secondary armament T72S – Another forgotten export version of the T72 featuring a new ERA kit T72UA1 – A Ukrainian T72 forexport variant with an extensive ERA upgrade The T72's

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T 72 Moderna Modification The Slovakian T 72m1 Moderna Turret Incorporating The Sabca Vega Thermal Sight And The Sfim Vs580 Commanders Sight As Well As Two mm Oerlikon Contraves Kaa 001 Cannon 1 317px 709px
The Slovakian T72M1 Moderna turret incorporating the Sabca Vega thermal sight and the Sfim VS580 commanders sight as well as two mm Oerlikon Contraves KAA001 cannonThe Czech Republic has upgraded 30 of its fleet of T72M1 tanks to T72CZ standard The first was delivered in January 04 The upgrade includes ERA, Galileo Avionica TURMST computerised fire control system and a new powerpack by NIMDA of Israel with Perkins CV12 engine rated at 1,000bhp and Allison automatic transmission ZTS Dubnica of Slovenia offer an upgrade for T72 ModernaTechnical review of the T72 (T72A T72M1) Sovietmade main battle tank The T72 is a family of Soviet main battle tanks that first entered production in

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T 72m2 Moderna Main Battle Tank Military Today Com
The T72M1 Moderna has a laser detection system that can automatically one or more of the five smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret The gunner and commander have thermal imagers and other upgraded night vision devices, and the main gun and autocannons have separate laser rangefinders The ballistic computer has also been updated to be able to assist both theAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us CreatorsThe Russian T72M Tank was the export version of the Russian Armies T72A The T72M lacked the composite armour and other systems of the T72A The T72M was sold to Russian Allies and manufactured under licence in WARSAW countries such as the former Czechoslovakia, as was the later improved version, the T72M1

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T 72 Main Battle Tank
T72M1/M2 Moderna Czech Thanks to 'Werewolf' As the USSR slowly fell apart, each splinter state began to sell their arms worldwide in a massive attempt for instant cash Thousands of T72's were sold and modified according to each nations taste The Moderna is a Czech derivative which mounts reactive armour, a third party fire control computer fire system with laser rangefinder,35A048 IDF SHOT KAL "Alef" (Valley of tears 1973) 飞机 35A039 T72M2 MODERNA T72M2 MODERNA · T72M1/M2 Moderna 19 messages 1;

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In 1994, after the breakup of Czechoslovakia brought the hearth zbrojovka brno fair IDET, his second modernization of soviet medium tank T72, under the designation T72 M2E "Moderna" · Moderna is a proposed upgrade for the Czechoslovakianmade T72M and T72M1 in Slovakian service, which was revealed in 1993 There are two prototypes to this tank Both prototypes feature the Slovakianupgraded 125 mm 26MS smoothbore gun, the SAGEM SAVAN commander panoramic sight found on the FrenchDiscover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining

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· As for the TT position, I would either make it researchable from the T72 (the one before the BU) and make it so that when you research the BU you also get the Moderna, a 2 in 1 if you will The alternative is to add the T72M1 And that tank to be researchable from the T72B in the same way as the previous suggestion · T72M2 Moderna is a Slovak modernized version of the T72 tank The project consisted of improving the previous modernized CzechoSlovak version of the T72M1 tank The development resulted in the creation of prototype presented at several military exhibitions However,the resulting project was never massproduced,as the Ministry of Defense abandoned/08/13 · The T72M1 Moderna has a laser detection system that can automatically one or more of the five smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret The gunner and commander have thermal imagers and other upgraded night vision devices, and the main gun and autocannons have separate laser rangefinders The ballistic computer has also been updated to be able to

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T72M1 Manufacturer , Poland Type Tracked Weight 457 t Produced 1975 Size Length 695 m, Height 223 m Number built 000 Engine Diesel, 780 HP Crew 3 Speed 60 km/h Description Uralvagonzavod produced the first prototype with a 125mm gun and V45K engine in 1968 as "Object 172" After intensive comparative testing with the T64A, Object 172 was reThe T72M2 Moderna is a main battle tank prototype for Czechoslovakia that was introduced in The Millionth Mile DLC for Wargame Red Dragon 1 History 2 Overview 3 Weapons 4 Gallery 5 See also The T72M2 Moderna is Slovakian modernization of the Czechoslovakian T72M1 main battle tank It adds DYNAS reactive armor, improved 26MS 125mm smoothbore cannon, tweaked

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